Syndrome du côlon irritable
Among the annoying problems of Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS sufferers are dietary requirements. If you have IBS, you need to be choosy about the food that you eat. Fruits and vegetables are recommended when you have IBS, but certain foods, especially oily and spicy foods, can trigger the occurrence of one characteristic symptom of IBS which is diarrhea, and must therefore be avoided at all cost.
Fortunately, there are vitamins, minerals, and dietary supplements you can take to ease the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. If you have Vitamin C, calcium, and iron in your medicine cabinet, you can relieve yourself of IBS symptoms when they hit you.
Vitamin C or ascorbic acid, in particular, is a natural laxative, and can relieve you of constipation, another classic sign of IBS. However, excessive intake of Vitamin C can also lead to diarrhea and may cause bloating, thus taking it should be regulated and monitored.
It is also good to stock on calcium. Calcium is not only good for your bones it can also relieve constipation and diarrhea when you are having IBS. Calcium carbonate, in particular, has anti-diarrheal properties, while calcium citrate has laxative properties. Whether you are experiencing diarrhea or constipation, calcium can help to make you feel a lot better. Just like, Vitamin C, however, the intake of calcium should also be regulated. The recommended dosage of either preparation is 500 mg or less.
You can also take iron, especially if you are having diarrhea because iron can cause constipation.
Other vitamins that can help:
Treat IBS with Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is Cobalamin. The functions of this vitamin have a lot to do with the correct functioning of the body cells, but more importantly, it helps in relieving the pain that is confined to the gastrointestinal tract.
Vitamin C can help IBS
Adequate amounts of Vitamin C are recommended for people suffering from IBS.
Studies show that people who have high Vitamin C content in their bodies are less prone to developing the symptoms of IBS. This is made possible because Vitamin C is a very good antioxidant.
Vitamin A can help IBS
Foods rich in Vitamin A could also help a person suffering from IBS, and there are quite a lot of them. However, the fruit and vegetable types are the ones that are going to be of most help to the patient.
Research indicates that a person following a near vegetarian diet is less prone to developing IBS. Of all forms of Vitamin A, beta-carotene is most useful.
B Complex Vitamins for IBS
All B complex vitamins, especially folic acid, can help so much in addressing the symptoms and effects of IBS.
Dietary fiber is very important to people with IBS. It ensures them that the digestive processes inside their bodies are always within normal parameters.
While these vitamins and minerals can, indeed, help relieve symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, it is still best to consult your physician before taking any of these. Your physician knows better what your body needs, so always get your doctor's clearance first before you go to the drugstore.
Among the annoying problems of Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS sufferers are dietary requirements. If you have IBS, you need to be choosy about the food that you eat. Fruits and vegetables are recommended when you have IBS, but certain foods, especially oily and spicy foods, can trigger the occurrence of one characteristic symptom of IBS which is diarrhea, and must therefore be avoided at all cost.
Fortunately, there are vitamins, minerals, and dietary supplements you can take to ease the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. If you have Vitamin C, calcium, and iron in your medicine cabinet, you can relieve yourself of IBS symptoms when they hit you.

It is also good to stock on calcium. Calcium is not only good for your bones it can also relieve constipation and diarrhea when you are having IBS. Calcium carbonate, in particular, has anti-diarrheal properties, while calcium citrate has laxative properties. Whether you are experiencing diarrhea or constipation, calcium can help to make you feel a lot better. Just like, Vitamin C, however, the intake of calcium should also be regulated. The recommended dosage of either preparation is 500 mg or less.
You can also take iron, especially if you are having diarrhea because iron can cause constipation.
Other vitamins that can help:
Treat IBS with Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is Cobalamin. The functions of this vitamin have a lot to do with the correct functioning of the body cells, but more importantly, it helps in relieving the pain that is confined to the gastrointestinal tract.
Vitamin C can help IBS
Adequate amounts of Vitamin C are recommended for people suffering from IBS.
Studies show that people who have high Vitamin C content in their bodies are less prone to developing the symptoms of IBS. This is made possible because Vitamin C is a very good antioxidant.
Vitamin A can help IBS
Foods rich in Vitamin A could also help a person suffering from IBS, and there are quite a lot of them. However, the fruit and vegetable types are the ones that are going to be of most help to the patient.
Research indicates that a person following a near vegetarian diet is less prone to developing IBS. Of all forms of Vitamin A, beta-carotene is most useful.
B Complex Vitamins for IBS
All B complex vitamins, especially folic acid, can help so much in addressing the symptoms and effects of IBS.
Dietary fiber is very important to people with IBS. It ensures them that the digestive processes inside their bodies are always within normal parameters.
While these vitamins and minerals can, indeed, help relieve symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, it is still best to consult your physician before taking any of these. Your physician knows better what your body needs, so always get your doctor's clearance first before you go to the drugstore.
Suis Richard, je suis ici pour témoigner d'un grand herboriste qui a guéri ma femme d'un cancer du sein. Son nom est le Dr Imoloa. Ma femme a traversé cette douleur pendant 3 ans, j'ai presque dépensé tout ce que j'avais, jusqu'à ce que je voie des témoignages en ligne sur la façon dont le Dr Imoloa les guérit de leurs maladies, immédiatement je l'ai contacté. puis il m'a dit les choses à faire avant d'envoyer la phytothérapie. Je souhaite qu'il l'ait fait par le service de messagerie DHL, et il nous a expliqué comment appliquer ou boire le médicament pendant deux bonnes semaines. et à la plus grande surprise avant la troisième semaine supérieure, ma femme était soulagée de toutes les douleurs, croyez-moi, c'est ainsi que ma femme a été guérie du cancer du sein par ce grand homme. Il dispose également d'une puissante phytothérapie pour soigner des maladies telles que: la maladie d'Alzheimer, la maladie de Parkinson, le cancer du vagin, l'épilepsie, les troubles anxieux, les maladies auto-immunes, les maux de dos, les entorses de dos, les troubles bipolaires, les tumeurs cérébrales, les maladies malignes, le bruxisme, la boulimie, les maladies du disque cervical, les maladies cardiovasculaires Maladie, néoplasmes, maladies respiratoires chroniques, troubles mentaux et comportementaux, fibrose kystique, hypertension, diabète, asthme, arthrite inflammatoire auto-immune ed. maladie rénale chronique, maladie inflammatoire des articulations, impuissance, spectre alcoolique feta, trouble dysthymique, eczéma, tuberculose, syndrome de fatigue chronique, constipation, maladie inflammatoire de l'intestin, maladie du lupus, ulcère buccal, cancer de la bouche, douleur corporelle, fièvre, hépatite ABC, syphilis, diarrhée, VIH / SIDA, maladie de Huntington, acné du dos, insuffisance rénale chronique, maladie d'Addison, douleur chronique, douleur de Crohn, fibrose kystique, fibromyalgie, maladie inflammatoire de l'intestin, maladie fongique des ongles, maladie de Lyme, maladie de Celia, lymphome, dépression majeure, maligne mélanome, manie, mélorhéostose, maladie de Ménière, mucopolysaccharidose, sclérose en plaques, dystrophie musculaire, polyarthrite rhumatoïde. Vous pouvez le joindre par e-mail via drimolaherbalmademedicine@gmail.com / whatsapp +2347081986098 Site Web / www.drimolaherbalmademedicine.wordpress.com